
next steps

Four great options to keep the momentum moving forward

Quarterly review

► The best investment to keep your momentum are Quarterly Reviews! In a Quarterly Review plan, you’ll receive four annual in-person visits to review previous material, evaluate goals and prog­ress, and set new benchmarks.
► $850 per store per day
(at 6-store rate)

leadership 2.0

► 4-sessions covering advanced leadership skills, including:
► “Learning the best way to give critical feedback,” “High performance meetings,” “World class presenting,” and “Helping and protecting my boss.”
► $850 per store per day
(at 6-store rate)

video process

► This offering is ideal in situations where your workforce may grow and change on a regular basis. The Video Process gives you and your organiza­tion ongoing access to the same material we went through in person.
► Annual plan = $399,
► Lifetime plan = $999

1-on-1 coaching

► As a leader, it’s imperative to receive outside feedback and insight from someone who’s been where you’re going. Coaching includes 2 monthly coaching sessions to guide you through your own growth as a leader.
► 1 Year, $600 per month

Which next step is right for you?

let us know And We’ll Be In Touch!